

Give the user access to top listed Voxes. (listed in opensea) for both town stars and
mirandus. (they should be separated by a tab)

Give the user a tool for optimizing listing price
Collect data and using it for analytics

Technical requirements:

Collect all data for voxes (names and rarity scores) one time and store them in a database.
Login for admin (only admin can access page)
The list needs to be up-to-date and live without having the need to refresh. Voxes that are
sold needs to immediately be removed from list

Works on web
Vox Listing activity needs continuous scraping
Vox Sales activity needs continuous scraping
Listed and Sold Voxes need to be stored in a database efficiently for analytics
Any new Vox that is added to the list needs to have a new tag
There should be a button that opens a simple form. The form has 3 flexible

  • Service :

    Web Development
  • Client name :

  • Start Date :

    5th Jan, 2022
  • End Date :

    15th Jan, 2022
  • Status :
